My Weight Loss Journey

My Weight Loss Journey has been a long journey, like a couple of decades, and it has never been all smooth sailing; because not everyone’s body and the system works the same. And, you know how you start off with a nice figure and weight (120lb) like back in high school and then you get pregnant with twins, like me, and the weight just packed on? Not to mention, then, each year it adds more as you get older. This is me to the right, I was getting ready for a wedding and lost some weight. Then I gained it right back, ugh!

My Weight Loss Journey

I’ve tried everything from Atkins, to personalized meal plans to diet pills. I got to a point in my life and fed up with all the dieting and emotional eating, that I went ahead and had weight loss surgery, and boy, did I think that it would take care of everything!! However, I quickly lost tons of weight, but because I was always self-conscious about my looks and body image when someone commented how nice I looked; I packed back on the weight. Boy, that was an eye-opener.

New Year, New Me…

Then I tried these new biohacking products that I was introduced to by a close friend and that has helped me to get off this plateau and continue my journey for a healthier lifestyle. Furthermore, now that I’ve incorporated all four of these products. Moreover, I am getting better results now than I ever did before. Not only, do these products help you with supporting positive thinking, mental clarity, and better (rem) sleep; as well an amazing energy boost, repair, youth, and weight management. However, now our newest product has the added benefit of appetite curbs and gives you that extra thermal boost.

Little Sisters are so GREAT…

So, I finally asked my little sister for a little more help in my weight loss goals; because menopause really is a weight loss killer. And, I’ve heard so much about intermittent fasting, but I could never truly pin it down; to a good routine that would work for me. Now, her advice to me was truly enlightening, as well as, the tips and suggestions she gave me; since she had helped my older brother lose 75 lbs. As a matter of fact, the near-death experience that had landed him in the hospital; and intensive care clinging to life was an eye-opener for him. Not to mention, talk about a wake-up call… Learn more here…

My Daily Routine:

Since I have trouble snacking and emotional eating, especially when I see food! I’ve started an eating journal to help me keep on track. However, I have better control over my healthy choices and eating habits and I am less stressed with these amazing biohacking products.

  • REMEMBER, take ZLEM well before your bedtime: I take Zlem (whole body detoxifier) which is a 2-stage better sleep and slimdown product, 30 minutes before bedtime each night.
  • Intermittent Fasting: No Food after 10 pm at night. (water, coffee, or tea is okay without any dairy or sugar or sugar substitute) My downfall is each little bit adds up and has hindered my weight loss goals.
  • 12 NOON: I do not have anything to eat until 12 Noon and only small meals and eat only until comfortable. However, Listen to your body, your body will tell you when you are no longer hungry.
  • Drink Plenty of Water, Water, Water: This is KEY your body needs water to flush out the toxins in your body.

Happy Healthy Lifestyle Journeying

My Weight Loss Journey